Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Happen To Me..??

whats come over me..??
why do i feel lost..??
either i was insane earlier
or i’ve just become so

dreams eyes and unkempt hair
what have i done myself

i found someone..
i’ve lost my heart
whats can i tell u all my friends…
i am all shook up..

i dont know
whats happened to me..

people have begun
call me Romeo
and why is that so..??
i should also know..
whats happened to me..??

till yesterday i was quite fine..
my heart was filled with happiness devine
then why i’m upset..??
what are i’m disturbed about…??
have i’m lost something..??

who is this disguised as a cloud..??
who has come and taken over my heart..??
i would like to say it
but i cant name it..

i dont want name it but say something..
give u a slight clue..
its in my eyes
its in my heart
what can i tell you friends..

ps :- pembuke ceritera tentang "aku"..


  1. salam~

    sumtimes, we need to loose sumthing wen we get sumthings.. we cant get both..
    sumtimes, we can get both, but in other time we cant..
    sumtimes, we cant get both coz both aare the same..
    same in under meaning "happiness"...
    give times to both u had.. take ur time 2 n insya Allah, God will helping u...
    have a nice day n just droping by.....

  2. wassalam..
    thanks 4 your comment...
    but too many "sumtimes"..
